Sunday 11 December 2016

Blog 8.....

              In this week we all are very excited, but with lots work. We have so much assignment for these two weeks. During this week we learned some new things in ICT.
              I never used google classroom in my practicum. In google class I learned about what we can do and how to work on google classroom. I think google classroom is useful in school. Students can attain quiz, they can submit their assignment.
              In this time we have lot technology to use. We just have to check their pros and cons. In classroom if we use more technology then we can save our time and students can learn easily and with interest.
              On other day we worked on e-portfolio and we shared our   e-portfolio with each other. I made my e-portfolio in Weebly. I try to make simple and visual. But I want to play with it more after this term. So I can make my portfolio more perfectly. When we shared our portfolio with each other, at that time I got so many ideas and I cleared my some confusion about Weebly. Wix is also very good and I think more easy compare to Weebly.

               Next week is last week for us. I am very excited for that………. 

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