Friday, 27 January 2017

TT 3.. Twitter

In second week we learned about different PLNs (Personal Learning Networks). One of PLNs was Twitter. Twitter is one of the growing kind of technology wise, social communication wise as well as every field person get information. Anybody who use twitter could see and read a public discussion and blogs. So many celebrities, and brands are like to use twitter.

Many of us are using Facebook, blogs to share some ideas and thoughts. We could share our own expertise, thought, ideas, knowledge and comment with other educators via twitter. Twitter is a place for sharing information and that connecting with others. In classroom, teacher can use twitter for assessment. Students could share their knowledge through blogs and comment. So, Teacher could create some group discussion on some topic. Even for assessment teacher can check writing skill and there are so many things that teacher can do using twitter in classroom. And that can create interest in related subjects. 

WEEK 3...BLOG 3....

This is our third week in this class and in this week we had two guest came to deliver knowledge about internet, traditional learning and online learning, blackboard learn. In blackboard learn we could get lot material for different subjects and that was awesome because we could use that in our classroom. Even when we uploaded any video from YouTube and we could play that video without any advertisement. I got material for mathematics and science. I like their organization technique because I made material for different grade in mathematics and I saved that materials in different folders. But in blackboard we can arrange that in proper way.

Online learning is useful for those students who cannot able to attain school or university. So many students would like to attain online courses to save their time. Online courses needed some recourses like virtual classroom software, browser, microphone, webcam, software application. Online learning is useful to build a community. Blended learning is useful because teacher could engage and motivate the students and students have some control over the pace and place their learning will take. But in traditional learning students can more interact with other students in class and even with teacher. Even teacher can understand feelings and problems of the students.

In second day I attained the class on zoom and that experience was good. We all participated in group discussion, we used white board to write something, and chat with our classmates. Zoom is useful because host can show his/her screen to all other person. I am using Skype and face-time most frequently every day. Even I use zoom every month for group meeting related to spiritual work and for youth program (related to religious). Technology is so wide, every day we can learn some new technology.

Sunday, 22 January 2017


I always like to organize my all materials. So, I always try to organize my folders related to lessons, notes, documents, portfolio in my computer. There are so many websites which are useful to organize our data. It is important for teachers and the students to organize. Also depends on person that which curation they like to follow. I search online and I found that there are more than 30 different curations. From that I was familiar with Diigo, Feedly, Symbaloo, Hootsuite, Pearltrees.

Feedly and Symbaloo are great tools in which we could organize our useful and important sites. In feedly I like one thing that when some person share their blogs, I could see that blogs without searching that person. We could share anything from feedly to Twitter, Facebook and WordPress. 

In Feedly when we connect Twitter, link for blogs, then that always arrange the latest stuff first. When in Symbaloo we couldn’t see latest updates. Before using Feedly and Symbaloo, I used bookmarks in google. But instead of bookmarks in google symbaloo and feedly are more useful and creative.

I have one question about Google docs. Can I consider Google docs as a curation? Because in Google docs I could save my material, documents, and then I could share that documents with any person. Google docs is also useful to organize and save our materials. And people could make changes and share that document with us.

I would like to use curations in my last placement and that is useful for students and teachers. Students can use in school to organize their assignments, project, notes, review, reading material, useful sites. So, they could save their stuff to use in future.


In second week of this class we learned about PLN (Personal learning Networks) for educator. And that networks should be interested, useful and should be safe for users. That tree things are required when we join any applications like Facebook, twitter. Before year ago I like to use Facebook, to connect with friends, to share something. But someone hacked my account and uploaded some video. And so I closed my account at that time. So I am always conscious about security of my account and so when I used twitter first time, I was little bit worried about safety of the account.

In school safety is important when our students use technology. In this week we had guest on zoom and he gave us some information about digital realities. Dr. Alec Couros show us some videos, in which students recorded their talent and then uploaded on YouTube.  Some students prefer to learn from video because we they are learning from video, they could pause that video to rethink, repeat that video and they can play again to understand and for revision. When in class they can’t do that thing. Even so many teachers are like to watch video to teach and to get better strategy to teach.

In last placement, my CT always recorded her class lecture and then she uploaded on YouTube. So, if students missed class then they can learn and even for revision that is useful. She also used skype, so if some students have some problem to attaining the class, they could join skype and can learn online. So, I would say this types of technology like zoom and skype are useful for teachers and students. I would like to use more technology in my last placement, which can create interest to learn, and also that save our time.   

Sunday, 15 January 2017

BLOG 1 ...First Week.....

To learn more about Internet (technology) I have again good chance in this class. I think there is no end to learn technology. I can learn some new things in technology every time, and every day. In the first week of class we learned about twitter, Hootsuite, feedly, and symbaloo. I learned about symbaloo and feedly in ICT class which are useful tools. I used symbaloo and it was a great application and I didn’t use feedly more in last semester. In feedly we can brings all applications (twitter, Facebook…) on one page, so we don’t need to go individually to access the sites for each.

We discussed on topics like ‘what is the Internet?’. For that I would say Internet is a platform to connect people, show self-identity, quick searcher, and shortcut path to get information about anything and from any place in the world. Nowadays everyone needs Internet for searching, to connect with people, education, job, research, etc. So, I would say Internet is a part of our life in this century and as we know there are so many pros & cons for Internet which I don’t want to discuss here. 

 I had never used this application, but I like to read some good articles, discussion, blogs on mathematics, science, technology, and about education. Twitter is not only for connecting with people, but also great a place for sharing our ideas, articles, platform to show your identity, and an online blogging social network. Another good thing is we can protect our tweets by making our tweets private and more secured than any other site.