Sunday 22 January 2017


In second week of this class we learned about PLN (Personal learning Networks) for educator. And that networks should be interested, useful and should be safe for users. That tree things are required when we join any applications like Facebook, twitter. Before year ago I like to use Facebook, to connect with friends, to share something. But someone hacked my account and uploaded some video. And so I closed my account at that time. So I am always conscious about security of my account and so when I used twitter first time, I was little bit worried about safety of the account.

In school safety is important when our students use technology. In this week we had guest on zoom and he gave us some information about digital realities. Dr. Alec Couros show us some videos, in which students recorded their talent and then uploaded on YouTube.  Some students prefer to learn from video because we they are learning from video, they could pause that video to rethink, repeat that video and they can play again to understand and for revision. When in class they can’t do that thing. Even so many teachers are like to watch video to teach and to get better strategy to teach.

In last placement, my CT always recorded her class lecture and then she uploaded on YouTube. So, if students missed class then they can learn and even for revision that is useful. She also used skype, so if some students have some problem to attaining the class, they could join skype and can learn online. So, I would say this types of technology like zoom and skype are useful for teachers and students. I would like to use more technology in my last placement, which can create interest to learn, and also that save our time.   

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