In last week, we had guest speaker John Finch. We discussed
about some formal things like how the job market is tight and what they have
expected from the teacher. He also talked that how difficult to print subject
book and how much they are invested as per students in the school. They talked
about how they are filter the subject material and they tried that students get
maximum from that filter materials.
I surprised that how short and sweet detailing about
the health and safety guidelines given by John Finch. He provided material for
health and safety guidelines and that was about the physical health like eye
strain, sleep habits.Second thing was emotional and social health like how
much time to spend with technology. They mentioned about when the students
viewing or sharing the pictures and videos and how they affected. Might be they
consider the online bullying is also one type of the threats. Also, safety
guidelines like managing identity that include personal information which they
shred online. He discussed about managing privacy and dangerous behaviors,
recognizing the behaviors which is distracted while using technology.
That discussion was good and all students shared their
thoughts. He talked about the digital foot print and that knowledge we got from
some expert’s presentation and from the reading. So we keep this thing as handy
because in this computer age, students need to know this things and that makes
better future.
We also got some time to complete the tech task. This
is cool idea to do independence work and make trust on the students. This idea
we could use in classroom like we can provide some time to work on study. So,
first we can provide some knowledge about the subject and then students can
explore their ideas, thoughts, and knowledge about that subject area in work